420 Diner: Spreadable Edible Medibles by LisaMarie Costanzo [1511825898, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: 420 Diner: Spreadable Edible Medibles
  • Autor: LisaMarie Costanzo
  • Pages: 154
  • Publisher (Publication Date):April 20, 2015
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1511825898
  • Download File Format: EPUB

Balls! Dips! Spreads! Cooking with cannabis is a lot more than just grinding up some buds and sprinkling it into your brownie mix. There are certain rules that one must follow…or take the risk of not only ruining a recipe, but totally wasting your pot. Disclaimer: These recipes contain marijuana. As the weed strength will vary, the quantities and measurements may need adjusted. Use your best judgement based on the strain you are using, and the effect you are seeking.