- Title: The Pegan Diet: 50 Pegan Diet Recipes You Won’t Find Online
- Autor: Julia Chiles
- Pages: 128
- Publisher (Publication Date): August 16, 2019
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- Download File Format: EPUB
The Pegan diet combines the philosophical essences of the paleo and the vegan diets. Two pro-health diets focused on eating real, whole foods. Foods with catalytic properties to bring on the production and regulation of healthy enzymes. Healthy meats, protein, and fats; fresh fruits and vegetables; natural sugar and nothing processed. Parameters appealing but daunting in not running out of new and inspired meal ideas.
This diet could very easily be called the commonsense diet. Its main principle being “if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.”
The Pegan diet hits upon the core virtues of the anti-inflammatory diet, the gluten-free diet, the Mediterranean diet, the low-glycemic diet, and many others! This cookbook brings all of those elements together and provides complete meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
If you are serious about establishing -or re-establishing- your health, The Pegan diet and this cookbook are must haves!