Mouthwatering No Carb Recipes by April Blomgren [EPUB: 1086958934]

Mouthwatering No Carb Recipes by April Blomgren

  • Title: Mouthwatering No Carb Recipes: Unique Fat-Burning Recipes to Keep You in Ketosis
  • Author: April Blomgren
  • Pages: 108
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Independently published (August 2, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1086958934
  • Download File Format:EPUB

It was my first year into developing food content for a wide range of authors and dieticians, and I learned so much about how foods mixed and matched to create value to different individual needs, especially the No-Carb Diet.

Not until I began suffering from polysaccharides syndrome, I never quite thought I will Keto diet or let’s call it a “No-Carb Diet.” Polysaccharides syndrome, I describe a natural deficiency where the body struggles or takes longer to break down complex carbohydrates. This process results in high production of acid in the stomach, bloating, irritable bowels, irritability, constipation and diarrhea alike (depending on the body’s choice of play at the moment), and eventually weight gain.

I tried many things when the gym was failing until I followed a No-Carb Cookbook, which I had written for a client, but had no idea that my healing was in the content I wrote.

Fast forward after almost a year of a painful struggle, I am my best self, eating well and healthily, lost weight significantly, and now a no-carb recipe developer and advocate.

In summary, putting this cookbook together was one of the heartiest things that I’ve ever done because I share 30 sumptuous recipes that are testimonies of my journey. You will enjoy these dishes, either on a no-carb diet or not, and the results are fantastic.

Ready to explore? Come along!