The Survival Food Cookbook by Amian Trindle [PDF: B087P42X66]

The Survival Food Cookbook by Amian Trindle

  • Title: The Survival Food Cookbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Acquiring, Organizing, and Cooking Food Storage (300 recipes & Emergency Food )
  • Autor: Amian Trindle
  • Pages: 252
  • Publisher (Publication Date): April 25, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B087P42X66
  • Download File Format: PDF

What will you feel when disaster strikes?
You’ll feel fear and concern, yes, but most likely, you’ll feel out of control too. That’s not a nice feeling. That’s why being prepared is so important, so you can react quickly rather than panicking.
Anyway, you don’t want to simply survive, do you? You want to thrive! Those who are prepared for emergencies—mentally, physically, and spiritually—are less likely to panic or experience negative emotions, and they are much more likely to be able to adapt.
Whether it’s an earthquake, tornado, wildfire, or hurricane, your chances of survival drop dramatically if you don’t have the proper fuel for your body.
Inside you’ll find steps to an affordable food storage program plus how to:
lPrepare a home “grocery store” and “pharmacy”
lUse what you store and store what you use
lStore water safely and provide for sanitation needs
lCreate a first-aid kit, car kit, and 72-hour emergency kit for the whole family
lAnd many more invaluable hints and tips
lAnd 300 recipes!
Don’t risk getting caught out in a disaster by having the wrong foods – or even worse, nothing to eat. Now you too can ensure you and your family are well-fed, healthy, and ready to face anything with this powerful survival guide.