- Title: The New 60 Minute Chef: Super Quick Delicious Recipes for Cooking in Under 60 Minutes (2nd Edition)
- Autor: BookSumo Press
- Pages:
- Publisher (Publication Date): BookSumo Press; 2 edition (October 25, 2019)
- Language: English
- ASIN: B07ZMDQ638
- Download File Format: PDF
A New Standard in Cooking: From the Fridge to the Table in Under 60 Minutes. Fast cooking. Done Simply.
The New 60 Minute Chef is a cookbook for busy chefs. This cookbook is an exploration into the world of super quick and delicious cooking. You will find over 60 delicious recipes spread throughout one rich cookbook. Where each recipe is a different type of versatile dish that can be fully prepared and cooked in 60 minutes or less.
This cookbook presents an innovative style of cooking that is unmatched. If you are interested in learning the possibilities of quick cooking then these recipes will appease your heart.
Feed all the hungry bees in your home with delicious meals that will require only minimal time and effort in the kitchen. This is the new standard in cooking!
Here is a preview of the diverse meals you can create in under 60 minutes:
Buffalo Chicken Bites
Mango Salsa Steak Fajitas
Lebanese Inspired Potato Casserole
Maui Pineapple Stir Fry
Caribbean Rice
Mexican Rice
Asian Peanut Pesto
Crispy Paprika Fried Chicken
Chicken and Rice Stew
Chipotle Mac and Cheese
much, much, more….
Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!
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