- Title: The Successful Diet: Why Diets Constantly Fail And What You Can Do to Beat The Odds
- Autor: Sean Stevenson
- Pages: 87
- Publisher (Publication Date): January 19, 2019
- Language: English
- Download File Format: EPUB
In “The Successful Diet,” author Sean C.E.L Stevenson offers insights into why most diets fail and how to achieve true dieting success. Preventing or reversing obesity through successful dieting is something that eludes millions of people everyday. Using simple dieting tips, recipes and strategies, The Successful Diet offers a means to effectively transform yourself. A self-help guru’s guide can actually be just what the doctor ordered.
Stevenson writes, “By reading this book, you will learn how to adhere to simple, yet effective dieting strategies that will change your life forever. We all understand dieting to be a very difficult ordeal. Science and understanding have allowed us to tip the scales more in our favour than ever before. The science of healthy nutrition and weight loss is by no means arcane. Achieving -and maintaining- optimal weight ratios with simple dieting tactics is something anyone can do. It’s just a matter of learning how. Once you know, you know for life. These approaches will free you from the tedious and often exhausting dieting industry. Knowledge is power. Reclaim your power -and your life- today.”