- Title: The Complete Magnolia Bakery Cookbook: Recipes from the World-Famous Bakery and Allysa Torey’s Home Kitchen
- Autor: Jennifer Appel, Allysa Torey
- Pages: 240
- Publisher (Publication Date): Simon & Schuster; Original edition (November 3, 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:1439175640
- Download File Format: EPUB
• Solid backlist titles: The books in hardcover have netted 150,000 total, and each continues to net approximately ten thousand per year..
• Updated package: Magnolia Bakery Cookbook and More from Magnolia are integrated into a new format (paperback with flaps) that includes a fresh design, a new introduction, and a new cover..
• Nationally recognized brand: The bakery, which made a memorable appearance on Sex and the City , was sold in 2007 and there are now three New York City locations, all of which regularly have lines that stretch out the door and down the block..