Olives and More Olives by Ivy Hope [EPUB: B08TVFV49C]

Olives and More Olives by Ivy Hope

  • Title: Olives and More Olives!: A Cookbook Giving You Many Suggestions to Cook with Olives
  • Author: Ivy Hope
  • Pages: 62
  • Publisher (Publication Date): January 23, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08TVFV49C
  • Download File Format:EPUB

A fruit or a vegetable? That is the question. We often question ourselves about tomatoes and avocados. We know that avocados are a fruit, sort of a berry with a large single seed. As far as tomatoes, although we do eat them as if they were a vegetable, in salads, with meats and so on, they are actually a fruit. That is right; they come from a flowering plant and has seeds.

Let us go back to our olives, the star of this cookbook now. You eat olives with cheese, in salads, in fish or chicken dishes, on pizza or even on nachos. So, would you say they are a veggie? At first glance, yes! But they are also a tricky fruit! They are what we call a stone fruit, just as mangoes, dates or peaches are. Wow, what a surprise, right?

We have more surprises like this in the cookbook. We promise to deliver some unique and delicious recipes using olives. We will alternate using some black, green, stuffed, Greek and other delicious kinds of olives so you can experience many flavors and colors in dishes.

Many ingredients, such as olives, are underused. Sure, you must think of plating them on a tray when you have guests over. They can grab delicious olives and eat them off their napkins, along with maybe cubed cheeses or salami. But olives are so much more than that! They are the perfect ingredient to add to many recipes to give them a salty rich unique taste.

In this cookbook, we will explore the many health benefits of olives. We will also talk about how to plant and grow olives if you are interested in them. So, stay tuned because the cookbook is filled with goodness!