The Chili Cookbook: Easy and Tasty Recipes of the Southwest Kindle Edition by SAVOUR PRESS [1718113722, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: The Chili Cookbook: Easy and Tasty Recipes of the Southwest Kindle Edition
  • Pages: 53
  • Publisher (Publication Date): SAVOUR PRESS, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1718113722
  • Download File Format: EPUB

The temptation to dine out when the cravings for a fusion of cuisines strike is no longer necessary. The Chili Cookbook combines the flavors and ingredients of the southwest along with the classic and favorite Mexican foods to give readers a healthier and easier way of preparing authentic Chili. Come Join Savour Press as we share the secrets of creating tantalizing Chili dishes of a wide variety.